Positive Parents

As I sit in the passenger seat of my Dad’s truck, a sudden surge of anger hits me. A car has just cut us off, and I am irate. As I sit there with my anger, my Dad sits patiently. He listens to me, and finally, when I have finished fuming, he simply asks, “Why are you letting them control your day?”

This interaction is just a small example of the positive impact my parents had on me as I grew up. Each trial that I saw them face was always met with patience and confidence. This ultimately led to the man I am today. Whenever I come across a trial that I might struggle with, I always think of that day with my Dad in the truck. All the times that my parents could have gone and let their emotions control them, they didn’t.

Studies show that children raised in a positive environment, with patience and emotional support, develop strong resilience and coping mechanisms. When parents model positive attitudes during challenges, it establishes a secure foundation for children.

So I challenge you. When even the smallest of trials come your way, set an example for your children on how to handle them with patience and confidence.

JT Cofer


Raising Wishy Washy Adults


Time Management