Eggless Egg Salad

We tend to worry a whole lot about having all of the right steps. The perfect method for “X.” We spend a lot of time and mental real-estate looking for someone or something to give us all of the perfect “ingredients” to have our ideal outcomes.

Maybe it’s the perfect planner to keep our busy lives organized or the specific formula to make sure our kids grow up to be well-adjusted, responsible adult humans that remember to use turn signals. Most of our life is spent trying to perfect the logistics to get the ideal “fill in the blank here” result.

But… What if HOW we did the thing was more important than WHAT the logistics were?

It’s not like the ingredients aren’t important, the ingredients are a huge part of the final product. Ever tried skipping the eggs in egg salad? Nightmare.

But here’s the deal, we can get so caught up in having the right ingredients that we slapstick them together and wonder why it didn’t turn out quite like the picture.

HOW we do the thing is just as important as the ingredient list.

Let’s imagine we both make a chocolate birthday cake. We are given the exact same recipe and the exact same ingredients. We both use perfectly measured portions to assemble our cakes. Let’s say that your heart was in it, but mine wasn’t. Your attention to detail and care was much higher than mine. I just wanted to get the thing done ASAP and scroll Instagram.

Although we used the same ingredients, you made sure to combine all of the wet ingredients, then the dry ingredients, and then combine everything together to make a smooth batter. I, on the other hand, haphazardly threw all of the ingredients into the bowl, making sure I measured correctly, but disregarded the order because honestly who has time to dirty up those other dishes anyway?

In the end, your cake is moist, consistent, and has a great rise. Mine probably looks more like something you’d throw at a dog park.

So even if you have all of the right ingredients, have you taken the time to dirty up the other dishes? Or have you been shortcutting some things?

Check where your heart is.

THAT is where you will find the difference.

By Lexi Brookey, 4th Degree Black Belt

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